
Hi everyone ! It feels great to be back here. Here in the United States, and here on my blog page. As many of you may read in my brief post last week, I had been dormant some what and also fighting a near bronchial type flu.

 I am back from Paris and in the clear health wise.  January, February and now March.  Time to wake up ! Time to come out of hibernation. Time to smell the roses. Maybe a trip to see Alice in Wonderland would be a great trigger ! Visually so stimulating. The colors, the sounds, the "Madness" and the Caterpillar…. nearly my favorite. How many of you remember Grace Slick with the Jefferson Airplane singing "Go as Alice !"  The song resonated in my mind the whole time I watched this utterly fantastic movie.  What a wonderful  transition from Paris back to Boston. A little visual tool to aid in my withdrawls from the sights and sounds of a city so awake despite the season. Alice in Wonderland jolted my heart and mind. It was just want I needed after the trip. Now as I ease on in back to my life here in Boston, I reflect on my trip.

I returned Monday night. The weather in Paris was freaky cold. Chilled to the bone each day. By foot, walking along the river bank, with the wind chill, it  must have been around 30 degrees. Unlike the weather experienced here in Boston. Very unusual. Very cold. However I was on foot more than usual this trip. This allowed me to capture scenes I usually may not have seen. I was not inside a closed windowed car. I was on the ground. On the stone foundation that lie beneath my feet. My eyes darted like a little child in a candy shop for the first time. The sights of Paris are just in fact that … Eye candy. I seemed to have been attracted to the architecture nearly more than anything thing this trip. I was also attracted to the colors of the buildings, the bistros the grounds, the landscape, the sky.  This intoxicating City of Light.


In my travels this time around.. I captured many scenes in this realm. A bit less oh shall we say materialistic and fashion oriented than in past trips; although I was in Paris discovering, and seeking collections for Matsu. The Comme des Garcons collection was carefully edited for Autumn 2010. This took 5 hours in one show room. The Pandemonium in the small room that housed Rei Kawakubo's Com Com line was an absolute challenge. You have dozens of buyers from all over the world at once in the showroom which is in a gorgeous building from the outside… Show me an ugly building in Paris…. impossible ! 


 The room where the buying is done is not at all conducive to hold the capacity of people nor all of the energy spinning around…in it. To notice the murmur of all the foreign languages at once: German, Italian, Swedish, French. It was such a wonderful experience for my ears, to have the ability to hear low tone of the voices all humming at once… with maintaining my acute focus to on the collection by  combing, choosing and creating  the look that Matsu will portray for Fall. 


You will see a few photos here from the presentation of the collection,  please note the overtones of the colors nearly everyone is in. Dark blues, blacks.. and mixtures of them both. I always feel so accomplished when done. It is probably the most difficult collection to buy, just because of the overall chaotic energy flying around the room. I am proud and pleased with what is coming in. I always wish that the season I am buying for was not that far away… It is such an oxymoron,  because here as you read in my blog title, I am really inspired by the awakening of Spring. Talking about winter clothing… Luckily we have the summer ahead of us. These two seasons travel too fast anyway ! So, being in the moment here is necessary… In order to maximize one's life. staying in the present. Just breathe. Believe and Receive what is out there !



I have posted photos of these wonderful doors, and also some of the Comme des Garcons experience.



I have more topics to discuss, but since this combination is a little odd, I thought this would be enough for you all to digest. Stay tuned for more… Sooner than later. I will continue my Paris post with in the week. For now, soak this up and I hope you enjoy each and every word and photograph. Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or answers…..

Until then,

I remain open and welcome awakening of the senses that Spring brings !


Yours in joy,

Dava .

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