Upon my return to the States, I find happiness and peace. I thrive on the prior departure from Boston. I allow my mind to open, accept and search for any new sign of adventure. The unknowing of what possibilities lie ahead in another country, always tantalize me. This recent trip to Paris was short, but fulfilling nonetheless. The sights, the smells and the sounds were very inspiring. It is second nature for me to be so stimulated due to the richness of life I experience here, in the Boston Area. My subconscious goals remain the same and that is to trigger my own senses…… all 8 of them. :).
This trip energized me in many ways. Hearing new music, drinking red wines, selecting new merchandise for Now, and for Fall 08. Here we are, barely reaching Spring… Long overdue, yet the nature of my industry is for casting ahead.In this case, for the upcoming Fall season, come my favorites, Jewel Tones. Rich deep purples, reds, Fuchsia, Moss and Olive greens, and regal golds…. aah.. such a refreshing palette, especially after all of the subtle tonality of the clothing from the past seasons.
This is a great time of year to invite the current tones of Spring into your lives… don’t know how? Visit the produce department at Whole Foods….. Any one of them…. The colors of artichokes and asparagus are enough to want me to paint a wall….. (of course, for those not having been in Matsu recently, you will be delighted to see our newest shot of invigoration…. a new tone on all walls). On a more personal note, are you stuck? Overwhelmed? Not knowing where and how to begin ? I encourage you to come into Matsu, and try on new silhouettes, new colors, and of course……. Hire me !!! Did you know that was an option ??? You owe it to yourself, to have a closet filled with only treasures you love. Close your eyes, and choose.. It really is possible.. It is liberating not only for you, once it is completed, but also for me. Immediate gratification…… I promise.
If you are unable to fly away, I hope you find inspiration here and now. You will see some of my experiences here, and upon visiting Matsu, you will find many products including clothing, jewelry, candles and our olive oil soaps – exclusive to Matsu, hand carried by me, from Paris.