Amethyst ~ February Birthstone
Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone.
The word originated in Greece. Amethystus- translates to not intoxicate. Amethyst was also discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs, as and aid for one’s journey to the afterlife.
A natural tranquilizer, it blocks negative energies and transmutes the energy to love. It enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation.
Amethyst has strong healing and cleansing powers as it awakens spirituality. This stone has the strength to fight for sobriety, and over- indulgences leading to addictions.
Amethyst is very beneficial to the mind in calming or stimulating,
Depending on which is needed. The balancer.
This stone, and its royal tone are spiritual and promote love of the divine. Giving insights into its true nature, encouraging wisdom.
Aquamarine ~ March Birthstone
Known as the stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. It harmonizes its surroundings and protects against pollutants. Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people. It encourages support to anyone in overwhelm by responsibilities and helps aid to taking action toward it. Aquamarine sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance. This stone is a wonderful aid in meditation and spiritual awareness.
A stabilizing stone with high energy, Carnelian is grounding and can anchor you in the present reality. This stone is great for restoring vitality, motivation and stimulating creativity. This stone encourages self-trust, courage and motivates for success in business and other matters. Carnelian helps overcome negative conditioning and also encourages steadfastness. It sharpens concentration and removes mental lethargy. This stone calms anger and banishes emotional negativity, replacing it with a love of life.
Citrine ~ November Birthstone
Metaphysical Properties: Citrine is one of the only stones, which dissipates negative energy, and never requires cleansing or clearing. Warm energy, promotes optimism. Also attracts abundance, and is known as a “merchants stone,” to be placed in cash registers or where one conducts business, to not only acquire positive wealth but to maintain it as well. Activates the third chakra. Enhances body’s healing energy. Good for mental focus, endurance and self-esteem.
Citrine is the November birthstone and its corresponding signs are Gemini, Aries, Libra, and Leo.
My personal note on this stone is I associate it with the sun right away. As soon as I pick it up I get a warm energy that comes over me. I feel and sometimes see yellow light around me. I am going to start taking this stone with me when I do my workouts to experiment with its properties of endurance and healing.
Crystal Quartz
Crystal quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier. It absorbs, stores, regulates and releases energy and is also excellent for unblocking it. Crystal raises energy to the highest possible level. Containing ever color possible, crystal quartz works on all levels of being. It enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. Crystal quartz filters out distractions and unlocks memory blocks. This stone stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Known as the Master Healer among all stones.
Diamond ~ April Birthstone
This brilliant stone is the symbol of purity. It’s white light can help bring your life to a cohesive whole. It bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity into a partnership. This stone has been the symbol of wealth in all parts of the world for thousands of years. It is also the stone used in attracting abundance. Diamond is an energy amplifier. The qualities of the Diamond, encourages fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude. The bright characteristic of this stone will magnify anything that is negative and requires transformation. Diamonds clear emotional and mental pain, reduce fear and bring about new beginnings. It is a highly creative stone, stimulating imagination and inventiveness.
Garnet ~ January Birthstone
Garnets get their name from the Latin granatum, meaning “seed of the pomegranate, and obvious reference to the deep red variety of the stone. Garnet cleanses and re-energizes the chakras. The “love stone “ notion is associated with romantic love, passion and the ability to restore a sense of purity and innocence to the quest for romance. These stones have been said to be healers of broken hearts.
It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Stimulates past-life recall. Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence. Garnet represents love. Garnet enhances the feelings of sexuality, bringing warmth and devotion.
This milky blue stone varies in tones. It is excellent for attunement and meditation. It is a tranquilizing and powerful transmitter, and an amplifier of high frequency energies, stimulating the psychic abilities and the intuition. This crystal connects to the spirit guides and instills compassion. Grounding spiritual vibrations, it brings spiritual integrity and maturation. It facilitates dream recall and promotes healing through dreams.
Kyanite holds no negativity; therefore needs no cleaning- unlike most other crystals. Psychologically, Kyanite encourages speaking one’s truth, cutting through fears and blockages. Opening the throat chakra, this stone encourages self-expression and communication. This stone cuts through confusion and dispels blockages, illusion, anger, frustration and stress.
Iridescent Labradorite is a very mystical and highly protective stone. As a bringer of light, this stone raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. This stone banishes fear and insecurities sand the psychic debris from prior disappointments- this includes those from past lives. Labradorite calms overactive minds and energizes the imagination bringing up new ideas. This stone is used as a companion through transformation and change- encouraging strength and perseverance.
Peridot ~ August Birthstone
Ruby ~ July Birthstone
The Ruby is an excellent stone imparting vigor to life. It is an energizing and balancing stone. Ruby encourages passion in life, with out self-destruction. It improves motivation and the setting of realistic goals. Ruby stimulates the heart chakra, as it balances the heart. It also encourages following your bliss. This stone protects against psychic attack and vampirism of heart energy. Ruby promotes positive dreams and clear visualization. Ruby is one of the stones of abundance and aids in retaining wealth and passion.
Psychologically, Ruby brings about a positive and courageous state of mind, as it sharpens and heightens awareness.
Emotionally, the dynamic Ruby charges up passion and fires the enthusiasm. Ruby is a social stone that attracts sexual activity, and on the physical level this stone can help over come exhaustion as it infuses vigor.
Ruby is known to unblock emotions allow old baggage to surface, clearing the heart. Enhancing passion and creativity.
Pearl ~ June Birthstone
By Far the world’s oldest gem stone. Pearl’s association with the moon and the feminine is grown underwater. This in itself is a symbol of the emotions. Bringing warmth and passionate energies to the beholder, Pearl energy also represents purity, innocence and integrity. This gem enables its owner to accept love. When worn, the Pearl allows one to see the good qualities in themselves and to develop a higher degree of self-love. This enables more love to spread from the heart.
By Far the world’s oldest gem stone. Pearl’s association with the moon and the feminine is grown underwater. This in itself is a symbol of the emotions. Bringing warmth and passionate energies to the beholder, Pearl energy also represents purity, innocence and integrity. This gem enables its owner to accept love. When worn, the Pearl allows one to see the good qualities in themselves and to develop a higher degree of self-love. This enables more love to spread from the heart.