Class of 2009. The whole education cycle flew by. Faster than I can even imagine. It honestly seems like a couple weeks ago Aya was waiting for the Kindergarten bus… Oh, that's right, she went to Montessori Kindergarten.. Excuse me. First grade bus. Never-mind. It is all a blur nearly. The little worm turns butterfly in a matter of minutes it seems.
We moved to the rural suburbs from the city of Boston so that she could attend the public schools. Check. Too bad we didn't realize how focused they would be on sports of all kinds. We were in the minority. I have a ballerina ~ dancer. As long as the expression is there, and in our case, we took the challenging way out with regards to transportation to her out of school activities. Driving her to dance. No car pooling opportunity for us. I am thrilled that we stuck with it. Aya's dad and I supported her all through out her school life with dancing. She consequently is going to major in this field at a wonderful private college in New York City. Right smack in the middle of Manhattan. How exciting for us. New York and not California.
The thought of Aya leaving in the first place is rather devastating. You see, having had a career first prior to having a child alters our way of thinking. Rather than most people, we are not thrilled about the empty nest syndrome. Why ? Perhaps because she is our one and only, or maybe because of the delay that existed prior to her birth. Not intentionally, it is just the way of our life, and the timing the universe provided.
The kids all think this is the end. Yes the end of one cycle, yet the beautiful beginning of another. They have no idea how large their potential oyster can be. I suppose being on the outside and older, with this life experience of my own, comes wisdom. I am so happy for her class of 450 graduates. The potential that lies ahead is thrilling.
I didn't cry. I shed a few tears but the celebration was actually such a positive high energy ceremony, that even for me, I surprised my self. I didn't even use one kleenex from the prepared pile I had "just in case".
I share with you a few photos from Senior Prom, ( short dresses is the trend) Graduation Party and the Graduation ceremony. This sequence of events have been where my energy has been the past several weeks, with the climax Monday, June 8th 2009 with the actual ceremony.
The group photo of the daughters and the mothers are Aya's best friend Jess, and her mom ( along with Aya and myself) at Nashawtuc Country Club as we had a joint celebration with live goldfish as table centerpieces and all… What fun.
Enjoy your children each breathing moment. Smile and relish the growth process. It does move fast. Once it is over, regret about anything is the last sense you wish to have, so be in the moment as much as you can. Just being conscious of it will certainly help.
For Aya, her Dad and I, what the future holds for her is now all up to her and her own heart and where she allows her head to travel, by listening to her heart at all times. We now are only hear to guide her.The foundation has been laid. Her morals, and the standards she takes with her will be her guide for the the rest of her life.
Best of Luck, Linclon Sudbury Class of 2009!