No so odd, really but as my awareness becomes keen with crisp air abound, I embrace the vivid hues dominating the season. These brilliant colors are seen everywhere. In nature, foods, spirit and in fashion.
Orange is a combination of passionate red, and cheery yellow. It is an uplifting, optimistic and rejuvenating color. It exudes enthusiasm and is in my opinion, under used. Orange is an extroverted color and brings smiles to all ages. The color is warm and inviting. It inspires fulfilling conversation and stimulates social situations. On a spiritual level, this color is seen in varying hues throughout Eastern culture and religion.
I’ve always questioned the color worn by monks. What I discovered that there really wasn’t a spiritual answer, but a practical one. In the early days of the Buddhist movement, the robes were made from found rags, dyed the least expensive way possible. Saffron was one spice used in dying. It saturated the fabrics intensely. Tumeric was another. Both produced an orange hue. Contrary to using inexpensive dying methods-Saffron was hand picked from the center of the crocus flowers. Consequently gingerly used through out, it became the signature color worn by monks. Its presence exuded the spirituality we now know.
Autumn is the season for beginning to nest, hibernate and prepare for the winter months ahead: lighting fires, dimming lights and bringing warmth into the home. These actions all account for creating a cozy environment, radiating happiness from within. As we slowly creep into the darker months, we share more time indoors with friends and family. This inspires new recipes, and cooking styles. As we leave the abundance from late summer behind, the taste of heirloom tomatoes and their sweetness lingers. Time to invite the newly harvested foods of the season.
We all know eating rich colored fruits and vegetables fills your diet with antioxidants and other wonderful nutrients. Vitamins A and C are the most popular nutrients in these brightly hued foods, such as oranges, butternut squash, carrots, orange peppers, pumpkin, peaches, papaya, persimmon, and mangoes to name a few .
Orange foods help release the toxins and stress from the body by encouraging the system to become more efficient in the natural elimination process. This aids in relaxation and the release of unwanted waste products. Orange foods contain nutrients that support and maintain the reproductive systems. Lack of orange foods can be very obvious in physical constipation and other areas of stagnation. Writers block, joint and muscle stiffness being a few examples.
The photos above all reflect tastes of the season. The top photo offers three stages of carrots. Raw, roasted and in soup. The same goes for the photo directly above starting with the pumpin still on the vine. Vitamin C and zinc in raw carrots provide an excellent combination to helap the body detoxify. Splendid! Eat your colors, everyone!
Opals represent the birthstone of the month. Available in varying colors, such as white, pink, black, blue and the 3 colors beneath. They appear both clear or milky.
I happen to love fire opals most. Fire opals enhance personal power, awakening inner fire and protects against danger. They symbolize hope, amplifies traits and brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. Enhancing self-worth, and helps one understand their full potential. Opals encourage creativity and interests in the arts. This stone has always been associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism. It is a seductive stone, that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. These loose opals show the intensity of the tones. Opals treat Parkinson’s disease, infections and fevers. They also help strengthen memory. The colors are vivid, the stone is powerful.
There are several gemstones in this orangey range, such as carnelian, and Madeira citrine. All hold the energy of the sun.
Carnelian grounds and anchors you into the present reality. A stabilizing stone with high energy, restoring vitality and motivation. This stone stimulates creativity, and is used for dramatic pursuits. This stone influences the female reproductive organs and will increase fertility. A wonderful healing stone, clearing perception and strengthening the lower back.
October’s rich hues cover the earth, as the leaves fall and morph pre winter state. Before everything turns brown, and gold predictably, as they do in late autumn, it is time to embrace nature’s beauty once again. Don’t take it for granted because before we know it, the ground will be covered in white and even the faint tones of late autumn will fade.
October is a feisty month offering tricks and treats. I love Halloween-there’s no pretense, little expectation, and just plain fun. It’s when we can hide behind a mask and pretend. No questions asked. That’s when the inner child can come out and play without any hesitation! BOO!Enjoy the flavors, tricks, treats and colors of the season. Take nothing for granted and celebrate the life you were born to live everyday. It is precious and short. Let yourself radiate with the warm hues of October and please Save the Date ~ Sunday, November 16th, 1-5 PM, for my next Salon Event. Bring a friend, forward to a friend. If you are not on my email list, please sign up!
Happy autumn!
Yours in joy,