Celebration brings happiness, glee and joy. Welcoming the New Year, 2017, with open hearts reflecting its very feeling. The prospect of fresh ideas and possibilities which lie ahead provide positive attitude and hope. The new moon brings about new beginnings. We open our souls to what can be. We open our minds to alternative thoughts which we may not ever consider. Living in possibility means that we can approach life from a different perspective than what we may be in the habit of, or accustomed to. The Moon has several phases. Some people are sensitive to the point of actually feeling them. We are in the First Quarter at this time. Or at least we were, when I began this post. This month is flying by – despite the frigid weather we are experiencing.  I have fallen in love with this notion, surprisingly, as I’ve grown older.

The blanket of snow that fell the other night was like an angel appearing from the skies above. The peace and quiet that resulted in the weather was such a gift. Listening to the quiet drop like a feather blanket in the dark on Saturday night brought delight to my soul. The message was loud and clear, if given the chance to really quiet the mind and absorb the messages from above. Such peace and possibility. I now realize why I love the four seasons; winter brings a strong message to me.  At mid-month, the Full Wolf Moon appeared on January 12, at 6:38 am EST. All Full Moons culminate all things new, as we build our dreams and goals for the year 2017. Mesmerizing. Especially to wake up to the moon, as the sun creeps rising from the opposite side of earth.

I saw this poignant message today. It resonated. January is a wonderful month to begin this little exercize. Don’t be scared. It will help you learn more about yourself, calm your inner soul as well as stimulate the untapped within. 

For me, 2017 means discovering the pleasures and nuances of spending time alone.

Living with Red in January

Let’s talk about January’s birthstone. Garnet. Derived from their Latin name granatum… meaning “seed of the pomegranite”, garnet obviously references the color of this fruit. Garnet inspires love and devotion. It balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. Deep red garnet stimulates the controlled rise of kundalini energy and aids sexual potency. Garnet clears negative Chakra energy and is very useful to wear in times of crises. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope to bleak situations. My pic stitch above reflects four different pieces of healing gemstones from Nymph. http://www.nymphjewels.com/shop and here is the link to the entire collection I’ve uploaded thus far. The deep rich tones of these garnet stones are captivating.  Below are “lentil” garnets, slightly faceted combined with the rarely seen Tanzanite ( periwinkle) and a huge Herkimer Diamond.  Another gem using garnet.

I’ve paired translucent rutilated quartz with garnets because of the contrast between the two stones. It allows your mind to rest from the juxtapositioning of the deep hues and light. It also represents clarity which I wrote about at length last January. (https://davamuramatsu.com/clarify-your-mind-body-soul/)

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. It is emotionally a very intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate and raises blood pressure. Enthusiasm enhancement. Red is the color for the base or root chakra. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and allows us to be grounded and connect to the universal energies. Groundedness, trust, and belonging lessen feelings of mistrust. Gemstones that will aid the Root chakra include lodestone, ruby, garnet, smokey quartz, obsidian, hematite and onyx.  Red is described as warm, vibrant and intense. It is an exciting and daring color, but also evokes the feelings of love and comfort. Grab your attention red – the reason it is used in traffic signage and for fire trucks.

Drinking this color with your eyes, is very stimulating. Drinking red wines are a healthy way to get the antioxidants in the body. Eating red foods, same thing. Regardless of the intake, it embues the sense of heightened awareness and of importance.  Digesting red foods – the new powerhouse of nutrition. Strawberries, beets, rasperries, the list is emense. Eating by color. Red foods are packed with a variety of pwoerful antioxidants. They have been shown to help fight cancer and heart disease. Peppers, cranberries, pomegranante, cherries, and red skinned potatoes are some of the red foods to try. Let’s not forget tomatoes. I made a salad just the other day using both strawberries and tomatoes. At first I thought it was odd to mix strawberries and the tomatoes, but with the baby romaine, and the tuna salad with ample celery, and my home made dressing, it was deliciously balanced.

January is the month to begin your new regime. What do YOU want for yourself in 2017?  It all begins with YOU. We have heard this so many times. It’s time to SHOW UP fully. How would you like the world around you to perceive you? Your image is frontal. It’s what people see upon their first glance. I don’t care if it’s a lazy Saturday morning, and you need to run out of the house for milk. SHOW UP. Take an extra measure for your hair, makeup – even just a touch. You never know who you will meet! I often tell clients that change can happen as often from the outside in, as from the inside out. Don’t deprive yourself of the elements you need to create an impression, which gives you a presence – especially for yourself!

So don’t wait to buy the scarf you love or the earrings or the purse if that color is speaking to you. Your soul is begging you to have it. If you deprive yourself of that notion, scarcity sets in and you will spiral downward into a place where you stop caring. If you don’t care, no one else will care. You’ll be sending a negative message to all those you meet, and yourself, about your lack of self-worth.


2017: Live Fully. Live with Intention. Live Joyfully. When your heart soars as a result, your contagious energy will spread all over. Watch for the perpetual energy you’ve created!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey. Please share yours with me! I’d love to hear from you.

Always in joy and style,

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