I don't know about you, but seeing the lights, the festivities, and the hoopla of the holiday season, can leave one feeling drained. I experience the ups and downs, being gleeful and reflective, estactic and reserved; high and low, dark and light; all of these emotional thoughts and notions appearing daily by the minute in some instances in my mind, heart and soul. Depending on the timing.
All of these counter emotions and thoughts enter my psyche. My heart, my soul. Weird. I am certain there are remedies out there to even out the thoughts and feelings, but what good what that provide? I love to feel them all, I just need to remember that they will pass, or that what ever it is I sense and feel is temporary. This is reality. There are little lessons provided by the universe that I probably have manifested on my own, and must learn from them. Their messages are so subtle that I must remember to listen and embrace these feelings, despite how uncomfortable.
The first step is to acknowledge Monday, December 21st, the Winter Solstice. The shortest day of the year. There are a numerous amount of rituals that can be done honoring this moment in the year. On this eve. It is the longest, darkest day of the year. You could celebrate by wearing lots of light colors, or you could actually embrace the darkness and feel the wonder of the deep hibernation that the season brings. We are all, by nature to allow ourselves the time to nurture and relax. I say this because I need to practice what I am preaching here.
I just came back from Florida, about 5 days ago. I never experienced the darkness, the clouds, the fog, the rain or the humidity as I did on this trip. It was rather inspirational. As a result, I turned out a very very Byzantine inspired collection of jewelry. You will see some photos here. The act of production was slow at first, but only for moments. I couldn't execute as fast as my mind was working. But luckily with the expertise of my sister, I was able to stay in touch, and continue with the creative output., and placing the pieces together to make be lose my breath as I did. This was an unbelievably wonderful sign.
The photos shown here from my Sarasota trip were taken at the Ringling Museum. John Ringling and his wife were, to say the least very eccentric not to mention very very wealthy. They were responsible for opening this museum and importing many artifacts from all over the world. Shown here is the architecture, a stone carved midget as seen in many of the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus, and lastly the photo taken on the grounds are a cluster of banyan trees, which are also known as east Indian fig trees.
Strolling on these grounds made me feel like I were walking in a fairy tale. The day was muggy and the lighting allowed only the focal points to be prominent. No sun to distract. Very very interesting.
This was my break from Nymph creating. Back to the studio, I pick up where I left off. The Byzantine Empire influence was what was downloading to me the entire time. I think this collection reflects just that.
I am so fortunate to have the resources that allow me to express this sense through the jewelry. The first photo, is most likely the least of these feelings, a multi-strand necklace inspired by my friend's husband for a Christmas gift. It is multi-strands of wooden beads adding warmth, paired with small smoky topaz nuggets, and a pave diamond ball at the focal point. The next photo is of olive wood and copper mixtures. This feeling is quite tribal. Warm to the touch, an invitation to the wearer to coordinate it with any piece of clothing.
The white stones… are onyx. I was most captivated by the density of these precious little critters. The and charms. Guaranteed to bring the hidden vixen out in those who dare to wear them.
This was a quick summary of my new Byzantine Nymph collection. The whole collection is available right now at Matsu. 259 Newbury St. Boston. You better hurry, though. These all have limited availability due to the nature of all of the resources. Kind of makes real special and magical. Just like the season.
Lack of color kept calling me. I paired them with vernal filigree balls, and old oxidized silver ones. The semi precious stones accent the balls and highlight the actual onyx. I absolutely love the radiance of these pieces.
Next we have my favorite. My own citrine and onyx bracelet with an antique Greek coin showing Athena. The Greek Nymph. How appropriate! The last photo are necklaces that don many coins from the Byzantine era in Rome, Greece and possibly India.
The photos in between are my Goddess bracelets. They are old oxidized silver balls with onyx, olive wood
Enjoy your holiday, embrace all those around you. Smile at a stranger. Have a wonderful time, and don't forget to notice the light growing at the end of our days after this Monday, December 21st. The Winter Solstice.
I remain, yours in joy,
Dava Muramatsu