Crystal Clear Clarity for the New Year
With this New Year – 2014 – at the helm we awake with new goals and ideas as we gather ourselves into the clearest time of the year.
With this New Year – 2014 – at the helm we awake with new goals and ideas as we gather ourselves into the clearest time of the year.
Why not? I decided today should be a that we could simply be. Play. Laugh. Cook. Dance. Listen to your favorite music. What ever it takes to go inside and just find that inner child and let her/him out. Don't be afraid. Play! This photograph looks and feels like a complete delight, as the imagery …
I certainly got a taste of what happened August 24,AD 79 ; the day Mt. Vesuvius erupted! The Museum of Science in Boston features over 250 priceless artifacts in this compelling exhibit portraying the life and death of this once thriving city- Pompeii. This exhibit is rich with facts, frescoes, bronze and marble statuaries,gold coins …
There is nothing more breathtaking than realizing during a sun shower, one could be lucky enough to discover a rainbow ! This magical moment is triggered by the combination of rain and sun. Naturally, I am aware of the scientific complexity around the formation of the rainbow, but this is not the point in my …