I awoke this morning, in New York City. Don't worry, it was a conscious trip. My daughter is auditioning for a summer dance program. We drove down yesterday. I was back from Sarasota for about 7 hours before upping my life again. The hustle and bustle of the city is invigorating. It makes me feel alive. It reminds us that although I woke with a gap in my heart this morning, realizing it was the loss of my dad, in this life as we know it, his spirit still is with me; always will be.
I do realize that with the time that passes, the more time with myself alone, the more healing can transpire. It can not be rushed. Yesterday was a non stop rainy Monday. Cloud cover all day. I lied down late afternoon. I never allow myself this kind of quality time. Solitude. A wonderful thing. I didn't run around yesterday, I did 3 hours of yoga, also unique. 2 extremely hard classes. one in the morning, and one at night. Very healing. The mind, body and soul connection.
Getting back to living, observing the quality of life, realizing having the choice to make it rich and fulfilling. I look forward to this day God has given me. I will soak up the sights, and the learning experiences that approach me today, or that I stumble upon. Embrace them. A sort of inward inspiration which I get to return to Boston with, and turn it around in my other haven.
Spring is time for new beginnings. Fresh outlooks, re birth. Flowers start to show signs of life as the tips start to pop through the dirt. The smell and cleansing of the rain drops, not only for nature but for us too.
I am very proud to announce the new arrivals of jewelry collections. Some new, some contemporary, and some a mixture of vintage and modern day. Beth Kurson has been a faithful Matsu client for many years. She would enter the boutique always looking impeccable. Her jewelry was unlike anything I ever see in the market place, nor have I had in the shop. This season she approached me with her wares. I was pleasantly surprised. She had managed to collect oodles of old watch fabes, shoe buckles, pocket watch chains, charms, crystals and pearls. Not to mention the semi precious stones. Her combinations are design within themselves. The look is stunning, and the cost is very moderate. The concept is culminating history with modern day, and this is achieved by layering, layering , layering. In this day and age, nothing is too much. I invite you to come in and see the collection. Each piece is a unique one of a kind due to the nature of her discoveries. Below you will see a hint of what we have on the floor.
This makes me happy. To have the opportunity to work with someone that is excited about her own work, and to spread the look around. I am thrilled to have it at Matsu and really urge you to come in and see "Kikki D"s work, along with all of the designers. It is spring, Time to feel alive. Time to engage once again with what was dormant for so many months. Enjoy the longer light days, and come in and treat yourself. Let's face it, when you are happy, those around you benefit too !!
See you soon,
Yours in Joy,